0208 3574 283
Whereas physical security - think castles and bunkers - has been around for many centuries, cyber security is a relatively new topic. Therefore, skills are low within the United Kingdom and especially outside of developed nations. A large percentage of successful breaches are down to user error, from using default passwords, not implementing two factor authentication on publicly facing services or handing over passwords to cyber criminal.

At Privé Cyber, our training differs, we do not cover GRC (governance risk & compliance) or give you a lengthy history behind something or bore you with hours of theory. Our training is modern, covering 21st century tools and techniques, not compliance, which in many cases does not increase security greatly. Using a mix of minimum slides, challenges, exercises, quizzes and tools to please all training styles. Available in-house and in hotels globally.

  • Comptia Security+
  • Open source intelligence (OSINT)
  • Securing yourself whilst researching online
  • Staff awareness training
  • Practical encryption
  • Information security fundamentals
  • Capture the flag challenges
  • Detailed cyber security defence
  • Bespoke courses upon request